Pastor’s November 2018 Article

NEXT STEPS                   

In our Christian walk there are always next steps.  The only question is in what direction those next steps will be?  During my many hikes on the Appalachian Trail one of the lessons I learned was that when you get exhausted, when you think that you can’t go on, sometimes the best you can do is just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  That is always better than standing still and being stagnant in your faith.

The Appalachian Trail runs north to south so when you are hiking it you are either moving toward Springer Mountain (south) or Mt. Katahdin (north).  So each morning when you get on the trail you are either heading north or south. The same is true in our Christian walk. There are only two directions to travel.  We are either moving closer to Christ and God’s New Realm or we are moving away from Him.

We need to discipline our lives in such a way that we are consistently, each day, moving towards Christ.  Even though, sometimes in life, the best we can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other. This means trading in old behaviors that lead nowhere for new behaviors that lead in the direction God has called us to move.  It means unlearning old, unbecoming habits and practicing new, God pleasing ones.

This fall North Judson UMC is offering several opportunities to grow in knowledge and faith as next steps.  One is the ongoing Bible study which is finishing up Romans and will be studying Revelation next. This study meets every Wednesday night at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. This is a good time of fellowship, reading, and understanding the scriptures.  We also have two adult Sunday School classes which meet at 10 am each Sunday.

We are also launching another New Member class.  This class is for new attendees as well as persons who have transferred here from another church.  In this class you will learn what we believe as United Methodists; what our church has to offer in worship, education, and mission; help in discerning your spiritual gifts; and next steps in your faith journey.  This group will meet for four weeks at a time that is convenient for the whole group.

To sign up for the New Member Class or for more information contact pastor Kevin or the church office.  Sign Up sheets will also be available in the Narthex on the resource table.

Pastor Kevin

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