In Brightest Day

Scripture:  Romans 13:11-14 What happens when you mix the happiest place on earth with the most wonderful time of the year?  You get Mickey’s Merry Christmas Party which is Christmas magic on Disney steroids.   The festivities start early as this special event at the Magic Kingdom happens twenty three times between November 8th and December 22nd.  … [Read more…]

Pastor’s December 2019 Article

We are part of the more than 10 million people who jumped onto the bandwagon and subscribed to Disney+.    This is a streaming video service like Netflix, except it is all focused on Disney owned content.   Like many others, we have been enjoying it so far.   On social media, I have noticed a trend … [Read more…]

A Solid Foundation

Scripture:  Matthew 7:24-28 A lot of the stories that Jesus told were parables.  This means they were by design, fictional stories that were told to communicate a greater point.   This morning’s scripture is an absolute great example of a parable.   For the first century listener this parable really helped communicate that taking Jesus’ teaching seriously … [Read more…]

Making the Dream Work

Scripture:  2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay has made a reputation for himself as being a talented cook with a fiery personality.   He became a household name from the cooking competition show Hell’s Kitchen.   When the competitors messed up in the kitchen the way that he verbally berated them was colorful to say the … [Read more…]

Wee Little Man

Scripture:  Luke 19:1-10 I have a very vivid memory from when I was somewhere around 4 ½ and my family was visiting a museum.   My mom had dressed my brother and me in identical outfits.   My brother is sixteen months younger than me, but at that time we were the exact same height.   I remember … [Read more…]

Riddle Me This

Scripture:  Luke 20:27-38 When I was getting my undergraduate degree in education, one of my field placements had me chaperoning a most unusual field trip.  The class was an elective for juniors and seniors called local history, and the field trip was to the cemetery.  In Evansville, IN the most prevalent public green space in … [Read more…]

The Dark Night

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:6-18 Several years ago I heard a story that has really stuck with me.   The story is told by a man who worked as a deep sea diver.  I am not really sure what deep sea divers do in their deep sea office.  Whatever it is this man was doing his thing … [Read more…]

Pastor’s November 2019 Article

If you are not much of an Internet person, then it is possible you are not familiar with the website Kickstarter.   However, Kickstarter was a revolutionary concept for bringing creative projects to life.  Previously for artists, writers, and designers the process to publication was an arduous one.  It required an investment by a company or … [Read more…]

By the Book

Scripture:  2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Nathaniel Greene was born into a well to-do Rhode Island family.  Though taught the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic Greene did not have much formal schooling because his father thought industrious work was the best teacher.   Nathaniel was indeed industrious, and upon the death of his father in 1774 he … [Read more…]

Like and Share

Scripture:  2 Timothy 1:3-14 As a child my favorite day was Saturday.   It had nothing to do with school being out either, because I actually woke up earlier on Saturday than I did on school days.   Saturday was my favorite because I loved Saturday morning cartoons.   My siblings and I worked out a viewing schedule … [Read more…]