Pastor’s June 2019 Article

Redeemed by Grace For Christians, one of the most beloved and quoted promises in the New Testament is found in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (NIV).  Is this a promise that we, as … [Read more…]

Pastor’s May 2019 Article

STAYING CONNECTED June 12-15 is when our Annual Conference meets this year.  This once a year event is when the pastors and lay representatives from all of our United Methodist churches gather to sing together, worship together, and conduct the business of the conference. Just a few years ago the South Indiana Conference and the … [Read more…]

Pastor’s April 2019 Article

Choices When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. (John 16:13) Life poses many important choices for us to make each day.  Certainly, … [Read more…]

Pastor’s March 2019 Article

Peace and Quiet Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find in our modern society.  Just walk through the middle of any college campus and note the high percentage of persons that you pass who are watching or listening to their phones or have ear buds firmly planted in their ears.   A couple years … [Read more…]

Pastor’s January 2019 Article

I wanted to share these important thoughts with you from Rev. Dotson as we enter a new year.  Pastor Kevin SEE ALL THE PEOPLE                  Piety, Not Anxiety                      June 06, 2018 Some of the statistics about churches are enough to make us really, really downhearted: Fewer … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Article December 2018

Stewardship Fall is traditionally harvest time in rural America.  It is the season when farmers reap the fruit of their labors.  It is also traditionally the time when Christians reflect on their stewardship and pray about how they might be even better stewards in the coming year of all that God has entrusted them with. … [Read more…]

Pastor’s November 2018 Article

NEXT STEPS                    In our Christian walk there are always next steps.  The only question is in what direction those next steps will be?  During my many hikes on the Appalachian Trail one of the lessons I learned was that when you get exhausted, when you think that you can’t go on, sometimes the best … [Read more…]

October 2018 Pastor’s Article

Stewardship “There are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, the mind and the purse. Of these three, it may well be that we moderns find the conversion of the purse the most difficult.” Martin Luther Our Stewardship Team reminds us that Christian stewardship is about using our time, talents, and treasure effectively for … [Read more…]