Background: It is not recorded in the Bible, but Catholic tradition remembers that on the path to the cross, Jesus met his mother. The fourth station is marked by a large archway.
Reflect: It is said that there is nothing like a mother’s love. Perhaps another way to say it is that a mother’s love is the closest that a human can get to loving someone unconditionally the way that God loves us. For many people their mother is the person who was a shining example of faith. For some, another woman acted as a mother in their life and showed the kind of love that only a mother can show.
Pray: Give thanks to God for the people in your life who have been examples in the faith or who have loved you with a motherly love.
My mother’s Alive and well, in fact is a caregiver to older people. A few over 100 years old. She was a Methodist ministers wife and did many parts of the management of many churches!
Thanks to her I started going to Church before I was born and still love it.