The Tenth Station

Background:  Jesus has reached the foot of the cross.  In order to get him ready for the cross, he is stripped of his garments.  The courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher serves as the tenth station.

Read:   John 19:23-24 

Reflection:   When someone hung on the cross to die there was little left to the imagination.   The condemned were fully exposed.  Not just physically, but they were on display for all to see.   They were to serve as an example to others who might follow their crimes.   Jesus was exposed on the cross, but all that was truly exposed was how authentic his life had been.  His “yes” had been “yes” and his “no” had been “no”.    Even though Jesus was condemned as a criminal his innocence was fully displayed.

Pray:   Can you say that you truly live an authentic life?   In prayer ask God to expose your heart before Him.   Confess your acts of hypocrisy and seek forgiveness for those time.

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