Background: The twelfth station marks and remembers the death of Jesus on the cross. This station is found beneath a beautiful altar. Worshipers can kneel below it where there is a hole in the floor. It is possible to reach through the hole and touch a rock that tradition states is the very place where Christ was crucified.
Reflection: Samuel Wesley wrote:
Behold the Savior of mankind
Nailed to the shameful tree!
How vast the love that Him inclined
To bleed and die for thee!
Hark how he groans while nature shakes,
And earth’s strong pillars bend!
The Temple’s veil in sunder breaks,
The solid marbles rend.
‘Tis done; the precious ransom’s paid;
“Receive my soul!” He cries.
See where He bows His sacred head;
He bows His head and dies!
But soon He’ll break death’s envious chain,
And in full glory shine.
O Lamb of God, was ever pain,
Was ever love, like Thine?
Pray: Jesus died so that we may live. In prayer give thanks and pray for the great love of Jesus and for the sacrifice he made on our behalf.