Kyrie Eleision

Scripture:  Luke 18:9-14 The story goes that there was a woman who taught Sunday school.   While you do not know this specific woman, you probably have met her type.   She was quick to look down on others.   She had mastered the art of saying “bless your heart” or “I’ll pray for you” as a way … [Read more…]

Building Year

Scripture:  Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 This past week the Major League Baseball post-season started, and while this year more teams started in the playoffs the season is over for the vast majority of teams.  While some teams made a run for the playoffs, other teams ended the season with a losing record.   One of the things … [Read more…]

Let it Out

Scripture: Lamentations 1:1-6 Thanks to the Internet, the ability to travel anywhere, and the prevalence of cell phones the world feels a lot smaller and more connected than it used to.   Which is why it amazes me that today there are still 7,151 active languages in use in the world today.   Of that large number … [Read more…]

October 2022 Pastor’s Article

This Fall our Wednesday night Bible study has been going through the book of Ephesians.  It has (so far) been a good study full of intentional study and deep questions.  One of the elements of Ephesians that really stands out are the prayers found in Ephesians 1:15-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21. These prayers for the Ephesians … [Read more…]

The Depths of the Gospel

Scripture:  Mark 9:38-50 It is well known and established that I am a huge Star Wars fan, so it sometimes comes as a surprise to some that I am also a fairly big fan of Star Trek.   They are very different takes on science fiction, and I clearly think there is room to really enjoy … [Read more…]

Wait, What Did Jesus Say?

Scripture: Luke 16:1-15 For Hollywood actors one of the biggest double edged swords is getting typecast.  An actor is typecast when they become known for a certain type of role so directors and producers only want to put the performer in that role.  On the one hand it can be good because producers will quickly … [Read more…]

Scavenger Hunt

Scripture: Luke 15:1-10 When it comes to designing logos, graphic designers can sometimes be a little too clever for their own good.   Their main goal is to create an attractive, eye-catching, and memorable logo that easily identifies the brand.  Sometimes though they include extra little details that are so smoothly integrated into the design that … [Read more…]

In the Potter’s Hands

Scripture:  Jeremiah 18:1-11 Over the past couple of years, a lot of people have found themselves with a bit more time on their hands for obvious reasons.  One of the things that a decent number of people did with that time is they invested it into writing.  In late 2020 through 2021 publishing houses saw … [Read more…]

September 2022 Pastor’s Article

A few years ago David Kinnaman led a research project and wrote a book to answer an important question.   He sought to discover what people outside of churches think about churches.    Sadly, his findings were not as positive as we would like.  Kinnaman found that people outside the church do not actually know what churches … [Read more…]