In Like a Lamb

Scripture:  Luke 19:29-40 A few years ago I attended a seminar by Dr. Leonard Sweet.   He is a prolific Christian author and thinker who has written over sixty books.   During the time of this seminar he was working on a book entitled From Tablet to Table, and much of that research was influencing his talking … [Read more…]

Forgiven Debtors

Scripture:  Luke 7:36-50 Every country has things that make it unique, and that is true for the United States as well.  Some of the things that set us apart from other countries in the world are odd and surprising.  For instance, yellow school buses are uniquely American.  Some of the other differences are positive.  Visitors … [Read more…]

Who is the Prodigal?

Scripture:  Luke 15:11-32 I do not want to be presumptuous, but one of the things you may have figured out about me over is that I really like Star Wars.  Growing up we had the original Star Wars on VHS and I watched it so much that I wore the tape out.  So that tape … [Read more…]

Pastor’s April 2022 Article

One of my absolute favorite things to do in ministry is teach Confirmation classes.  I have a lot of reasons why I love confirmation, but one of those reasons is that I really like the material covered.  Confirmation classes go through and highlight the most foundational beliefs that we hold.  Confirmation covers what we believe … [Read more…]

Another Chance

Scripture:  Luke 13:1-9 The contiguous United States is over 3 million square miles big.  The distance from the furthest Eastern point on the east coast to the furthest western point on the west coast is 2,800 miles.  All of this is to say that the United States is really big with a lot of different … [Read more…]

SermonPlus Week 3

How it works:   First, read the scripture (it is also included in the video).  Second, watch the message.   Third, work through the reflection questions.  While it is not required, we do recommend that you write down your answers in a journal of some kind.   Blessings to you as you engage in the spiritual disciplines for … [Read more…]

Heart Break

Scripture:  Luke 13:31-35 I have a rule that I generally follow.   That rule is that I try to avoid movies that I know will make me cry.  I know it is a bit of an odd quirk, but there are two reasons for it.  First, I generally do not enjoy crying.  Second, I do not … [Read more…]

SermonPlus Week 2

How it works:   First, read the scripture (it is also included in the video).  Second, watch the message.   Third, work through the reflection questions.  While it is not required, we do recommend that you write down your answers in a journal of some kind.   Blessings to you as you engage in the spiritual disciplines for … [Read more…]

Battle of Wits

Scripture:  Luke 4:1-13 There was a time when Western movies were a sure bet at the box office and studios could not put together movies to stick John Wayne in fast enough.   While westerns may not be the dominant genre they once were, the appeal of westerns for a lot of people has not let … [Read more…]

SermonPlus Week 1

How it works:   First, read the scripture (it is also included in the video).  Second, watch the message.   Third, work through the reflection questions.  While it is not required, we do recommend that you write down your answers in a journal of some kind.   Blessings to you as you engage in the spiritual disciplines for … [Read more…]