Why Do You Doubt?

Scripture:  Matthew 14:22-33 I do not really know why, but it seems that we as humans love the water.   Usually the number one reason why we cannot wait for summer is because it means we can either get into the pool, go out on the lake, take the kayak down the river, or just sit … [Read more…]

Divine Riddles

Scripture:  Matthew 13:31-33; 44-52 This summer was the fifteenth time to be part of a camp directing team for church camp.  One of the things that I think is kind of neat is how every year the general vibe and culture that a week of camp generates is different.   Even though there can be returning … [Read more…]

August Pastor’s Article

One of the points that is regularly taught in our Confirmation classes to young people is that the United Methodist church is a connectional church as opposed to a congregational church.  A congregational church is a local church that exists completely on its own.  Its mission, its policies, its structure, and its support network all … [Read more…]

Dirty Church

Scripture:  Matthew 13:1-9;18-23 It is often the case that actions taken with the best of intentions lead to unforeseen consequences.   This was definitely the case when as part of the New Deal the Civilian Conservation Corps began a project to help with soil erosion.  In the 1930’s after the disastrous dust bowl that impacted the … [Read more…]

Absolutely Nothing

Scripture:  Romans 8:26-39 William Thomson, or as he was better known by his noble title, Lord Kelvin was something of a scientific renaissance man.  He began his career in mathematics before becoming incredibly interested in the applied mathematics of physics, and towards the end of his life moved to making innovations in engineering and he … [Read more…]

Peaceful Easy Feeling

Scripture:  Matthew 11:25-30 I have a bad habit of saying “yes”, and that can sometimes get me committed to doing all kinds of things.  For instance all the way back in 2015 I was asked to be on the District Committee on Ministries for the Southeast district and I said yes. The DCoM is the … [Read more…]

God Provides

Scripture:  Genesis 22:1-14 At this point we have probably all heard and rolled our eyes at the old joke that goes like this:  The doctor says to the patient, “What seems to be the trouble?”   Raising his arm, the patient says, “It hurts when I do this.”  The doctor says, “Then don’t do that.” Even … [Read more…]

July Pastor’s Article

Last month, the United Methodist Churches of Indiana met for Annual Conference.  This multiday gathering is to do the business of the church, make decisions that impact all of United Methodist Churches in the State, and renew the connection of those together as the people called Methodists in Indiana.  One of these connectional pieces was … [Read more…]

One vs. All

Scripture:  Matthew 10: 24-39 After seventeen seasons, the show went off the air in 2019, but do you all remember Who Wants to be a Millionaire?   This game show tasked a person to answer multiple choice questions in an effort to reach a million dollars.   The show broke new ground, because the contestant could always … [Read more…]


Scripture:  Matthew 9:35-10:8 Often the word missionary brings up images of a faithful disciple who has traveled overseas to a foreign county in order to bring the good news of Jesus Christ and help make converts of the native peoples.  While there are missionaries that focus on medical and justice issues this more evangelistic model … [Read more…]