
Scripture: Acts 2:14, 36-41 Everyone is afraid of something, and when it comes to defining what we are afraid of English is oddly expressive.  No matter how obscure the fear there is probably a specific term to define it.  For instance there is someone out there who suffers from Xanthophobia, or fear of the color … [Read more…]

In the Meantime

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 Some people are better at it than others, but I think it is fair to say no one truly enjoys waiting.  We can find ways to make the best of it, but if we were given preference more often than not we would rather not wait.  Of course, not all waiting is … [Read more…]

Jesus the Risen One

Scripture:  Matthew 28:1-10 Despite my best efforts, neither one of my children really like super heroes.  Which in the end is fine-they can like what they like, but there is one exception.   For whatever reason, for several months while in pre-school my youngest child loved Batman.  I am not sure why the caped crusader captured … [Read more…]

Jesus the Suffering Servant

Scripture:  Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Chances are we have all been there at one time or another.   We have all had times where the smallest of inconvenience becomes the last straw.  Perhaps we are at the grocery store and someone talking too loudly on their phone, completely inconsiderate of others gets us seeing red or maybe the … [Read more…]

April 2023 Pastor’s Article

I think just about every fan of Stark Trek has opinions on which captain is their favorite.  Star Trek fans can be divided by their favorite captain.   A lot of fans have strong opinions why Picard is the best captain to helm the enterprise, or why the underrated Janeway is really the best captain.   Honestly, … [Read more…]

Jesus the Rebel

Scripture:  John 2:13-25 I was a teenager in the 1990’s.   I am not sure if you remember or are very attuned to church happenings during that time, but in the 1990’s I think every single youth group or teens Sunday School class was dominated by the same four letters:  WWJD.   “What Would Jesus Do?” was … [Read more…]

Jesus the Healer

Scripture:  John 9:1-41 The story goes that two dads were watching a basketball game.  One of the dad’s was mostly quiet and respectful.  The other dad though was not.  He was yelling a lot.   As the game drew into the last quarter, the quiet dad finally said to the loud one, “Which one is your … [Read more…]

Jesus the Life Changer

Scripture: John 4:5-26 In the mid 1880’s Scottish farmer Hugh Fleming woke up to a day that started like any other.  Like a lot of farmers in Scotland of that era, Fleming managed a fairly modest living.  He was able to meet the basic needs of his family, but not much beyond that.  He was … [Read more…]

Jesus the Savior

Scripture:  John 3:1-17 It must be frustrating to be an innovative inventor.   To be the type of person who files patents and creates the utilitarian products we use daily requires a unique way of thinking and viewing the world.  It requires trying to solve a problem in the most efficient way possible, and inventors try … [Read more…]

March 2023 Pastor’s Article

The United States is a representative democracy, where the people elect officials to represent their interests and work together to make the decisions that impact everyone.  At least in theory anyway, this intended system seems to have a bit of a problem in our modern day world.  Specifically, the majority of people do not actually … [Read more…]