March 2023 Pastor’s Article

The United States is a representative democracy, where the people elect officials to represent their interests and work together to make the decisions that impact everyone.  At least in theory anyway, this intended system seems to have a bit of a problem in our modern day world.  Specifically, the majority of people do not actually … [Read more…]

Jesus the Warrior

Scripture:  Matthew 4:1-11 Astrophysicist Brian May proves that you can indeed complete your dreams and have it all.   He began working on his PhD in astrophysics in 1970.   However, like happens with so many people, life got busy and he took another path that led him away from academia.    However, in 2006 … [Read more…]


Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 The global Covid-19 pandemic had a lot of effects that I am not sure anyone could have predicted.   One of these unusual effects is the resurgence in popularity of house plants.  While potted, indoor plants have been a things that exists for hundreds of years, there was an absolute boom in … [Read more…]

How to Be a Sermon

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 There is a quote that captures a truth of art and renaissance art in particular.  Who said it first is up for debate, but it is often attributed to legendary artist Leonardo Da Vinci.  While Leonardo may not have originated the phrase he quoted it several times in his own writings … [Read more…]

Unconventional Wisdom

Scripture:  1 Corinthians 1:18-31 I was seven, sitting in a room full of adults waiting for my parents to come pick me up.  While I did this all of the other kids from my class were playing in the next room.   Typically this happens when a kid misbehaves, and I had not done that. … [Read more…]

February 2023 Pastor’s Article

Many people consider video games to be a waste of time, but for a select few it can be highly lucrative.  After being on hiatus due to Covid-19, the Evo Championship Series video game tournament resumed last year.  This is a long running, high level competition in a variety of fighting games.  In these games, … [Read more…]

United or Untied?

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 I think I was in second grade when I underwent an Indiana rite of passage, and I had to make the choice.  I apologize that I do not remember all of the details, because it was over thirty years ago,  so I do not properly remember the context but I remember … [Read more…]

The Good Fight

Scripture:  Micah 6:6-8 There are a lot of reasons why the music group Van Halen can be considered rock and roll legends.  They were on the forefront of developing a hard rock sound starting in the 1970s, and they set the blueprint for concerts that were arena filling spectacles.  The band was inducted into the … [Read more…]

Breakthrough Prayer

Scripture:  Luke 18:1-8 In 1876 John Griffith Chaney was born into a poor working class family.  This was before child labor laws became consistently enforced and when the idea of all kids attending school was still fairly news and consistently implemented.  As a result, at the age of 13 he was working in a cannery … [Read more…]

Who We Are

Scripture:  Matthew 25:31-46 I remember way back when getting ready to be a parent for the first time, we bought and read all of the books about being a new parent only to quickly learn there is a LOT those books leave out.  One of the small things I was not prepared for, is just … [Read more…]