Church Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Children’s Ministries
Music Ministries
Group Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Food Ministry
- Once a month the church hosts a “Free Lunch” in Fellowship Hall. It is open for anyone to fellowship and socialize and enjoy a good meal! The dates change from month to month, but usually it is on the last Saturday of the month from 11:00 am-1:00 pm. Check the Event Calendar dates and times!
- If you would like to volunteer contact the church office (574-896-5927). Volunteers are needed to help prepare food, serve food, and even to eat and interact with those partaking in the free meal.
Kids Closet
- Kid’s Closet meets the needs of children in our community so that they may come to know the love of Christ so that one day, they may become true disciples of Jesus Christ.
- We meet the needs of children in Starke County from birth through high school.
- Find more information at the Facebook Group
- Kid’s Closet is housed in our Outreach Building located at 4735 IN-10 North Judson, IN 46366. It is available for clothes fittings and tours by appointment only.
Children’s Ministries
- We are blessed to be able to support two classes of preschool (August through May). Children ages 3-5 are welcome. 3 & 4 year-olds have class on Tuesday/Thursday and 4 & 5 year-olds have class on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Parents can expect their children to learn their colors, numbers (even in French), and letters right alongside Christian basics for children (loving each other, God, nature)
Vacation Bible School
- VBS incorporates themed activities that entertain kids with the chance to learn about God. Vacation Bible School is an easy way to get kids involved in church while giving you the opportunity to meet the people within the church too. Church membership is not required to participate and it’s a laid back atmosphere.
- To Volunteer contact the church office (574-896-5927). Volunteers will be needed for teaching, caring for children, and helping with planning and organization.
Music Ministries
Mustard Seed Band
- The Mustard Seed Band leads worship in our contemporary service (11 A.M.). We celebrate our faith in a more modern venue. We play a variety of contemporary and recent worship songs. The band consists of keyboard, drums, guitar, bass and singers. Of course, we would love to add other instruments as well. From time to time we play in the community. We have played at the Mint Festival (Father’s Day weekend) and at the Christmas parade.
- The choir sings during the traditional service (9 A.M.) from September through May. We sing with the piano or accompaniment CDs. For holidays, the congregation is treated to a cantata often enhanced with actors and liturgical dancers. We welcome all voices to add to our blend! Practice is at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesdays beginning in late August. Call the church office for an official beginning date.
Group Ministries
Bible Study
- We offer a bible study on a regular basis. To fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ feel free to come to any Bible Study that we offer. To find out more information about what we offer contact the church office (574-896-5927).
United Methodist Women
- UMW is our United Methodist Women group. This group is open to any woman of the church. They meet monthly. Their focus is on missions and also maintaining the Fellowship Hall kitchen, and many of them are instrumental in our Bereavement committee.