Methodist Church Information
Want to learn more about the United Methodist Church beliefs or find out what is going on with other churches around the world? United Methodist Church Website has fantastic information and will help you find exactly what you are looking for.
There are many Methodist Churches in Indiana, find out what they are doing in one convenient place: Indiana Methodist Churches
Want information on just the churches in our region? Indiana Northern District is the website to check out.
What makes a church and congregation fruitful? This is addressed on Vital Congregations.
Giving and Mission Information
Find out ways to give and read the Mission giving Guide and Resource Book: Mission and Resource Book
Ever wonder what you donation to the church does in the grand scheme of things? Giving Opportunities provides excellent information on what donating to a Methodist Congregation will do for not only our specific church but the community and world around us.
Spiritual Practices
There is a yearning deep within us to know God. But how do we do this? There are many practices that can help us develop a better relationship with God. Click the following link to find out more information on developing that relationship: Spiritual Practices
Miscellaneous Information
Christian Resources (Bibles, Devotionals, Fiction Books)