How Far I’ll Go

One of my favorite things to do in ministry is church camp.  Camp is an incredible opportunity for young people to be part of an experience that is intentionally focused on faith development.  I have been part of a camp director team now for nine consecutive years, and I have a lot of great memories … [Read more…]

The Christian Abides

Scripture:  Luke 10:38-42 So one of the things you should probably learn about me is that I like Star Wars.  That is probably not stating it strong enough.  I really, really love Star Wars.  Growing up, I watched the first movie so much that I wore out the VHS tape, so we bought another one.  … [Read more…]

Won’t You Be My Neighbor

Luke 10:25-37 There is a decent chance that many of you are not familiar with the social media platform Twitch.   The best way to explain this platform is that it is like YouTube for live videos.  The videos on Twitch are all live streamed.  A lot of the content creators for twitch are video gamers, … [Read more…]

Pastor’s July 2019 Article

FROM OUR NEW PASTOR SEAN JOHNSON:   For ten years I served on a few different church staffs as a youth minister.  These were all Methodist churches, and that meant inevitably while I was at the church there was a pastoral transition.   I remember those times when we were all waiting for the new pastor … [Read more…]

Pastor’s June 2019 Article

Redeemed by Grace For Christians, one of the most beloved and quoted promises in the New Testament is found in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (NIV).  Is this a promise that we, as … [Read more…]

Pastor’s May 2019 Article

STAYING CONNECTED June 12-15 is when our Annual Conference meets this year.  This once a year event is when the pastors and lay representatives from all of our United Methodist churches gather to sing together, worship together, and conduct the business of the conference. Just a few years ago the South Indiana Conference and the … [Read more…]

Pastor’s April 2019 Article

Choices When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. (John 16:13) Life poses many important choices for us to make each day.  Certainly, … [Read more…]

Pastor’s March 2019 Article

Peace and Quiet Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find in our modern society.  Just walk through the middle of any college campus and note the high percentage of persons that you pass who are watching or listening to their phones or have ear buds firmly planted in their ears.   A couple years … [Read more…]

Pastor’s January 2019 Article

I wanted to share these important thoughts with you from Rev. Dotson as we enter a new year.  Pastor Kevin SEE ALL THE PEOPLE                  Piety, Not Anxiety                      June 06, 2018 Some of the statistics about churches are enough to make us really, really downhearted: Fewer … [Read more…]