Pastor’s Article December 2018

Stewardship Fall is traditionally harvest time in rural America.  It is the season when farmers reap the fruit of their labors.  It is also traditionally the time when Christians reflect on their stewardship and pray about how they might be even better stewards in the coming year of all that God has entrusted them with. … [Read more…]

Pastor’s November 2018 Article

NEXT STEPS                    In our Christian walk there are always next steps.  The only question is in what direction those next steps will be?  During my many hikes on the Appalachian Trail one of the lessons I learned was that when you get exhausted, when you think that you can’t go on, sometimes the best … [Read more…]

October 2018 Pastor’s Article

Stewardship “There are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, the mind and the purse. Of these three, it may well be that we moderns find the conversion of the purse the most difficult.” Martin Luther Our Stewardship Team reminds us that Christian stewardship is about using our time, talents, and treasure effectively for … [Read more…]

November Special Occasions

BIRTHDAYS       ANNIVERSARIES 2-Andrew & Kirsten Martin 22-Phillip & Kathy Brown     BAPTISMS 1-Grayson Struble 2-David Born 7-Sandy Fisher 12- Kennedy Dusek McKinley Dusek Avaree Johnston Emaree Johnston Reese Johnston Brody Martin Delaney Martin Lindley Martin Hailey Wright 13-Ashlyn Mosher 16- Ethan Benavides Tracy Benavides 21-Barb Blaha [/one-half]

September 2018 Pastor’s Article

Grace:  The Unmerited Favor of God Each Sunday during August I spoke on the amazing free gift of God’s Grace.  For this article, I wanted to review what I hope we have all learned about that gift of Grace. We know that God’s unmerited, free, and spontaneous love for all of humankind was revealed and … [Read more…]

August Pastor’s Article

It’s All About Relationship:  Love of God; Love of Self; Love for Others (Matt. 22:34-40). For several weeks now my study and preaching focus has been on fulfilling the “Great Commandment” of Jesus which is recorded in the first three Gospels.  Here Christ followers are commanded to love God with their whole being and to … [Read more…]